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Generally, when we talk about fish oil, many people immediately think of Omega 3 Fish Oil. In fact, in addition to Omega 3 fish oil, there are other different types of fish oil in the market, derived from different fishes, which provide additional nutritional values and various health benefits~

Three kinds of fish oil:

1. Omega 3 fish oil

The most familiar fish oil

Derived from deep-sea fishes such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, etc.

Contains essential fatty acids EPA & DHA

Great for brain function

2. Cod Liver oil

Derived from the livers of codfishes

Rich in Vitamin A&D

The primary function is to protect the health of bones

3. Shark liver oil

The most unfamiliar fish oil

Derived from shark livers

Contains active alkylglycerols (AKG)

Mainly to help strengthen the body's immune system

The next time you shop for fish oil, be sure to find out the fish's source, nutritional value and health benefits.

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